Pig-Tailed Macaque (Macaca Nemestrina)

Pig-Tailed Macaque (Macaca Nemestrina)


Appearance : The pig-tailed macaque is a less common primate of southeast-Asia. It is characterized by its short tail that is carried half-erect and somewhat resembles a pig’s. hence its common name. Macaques are medium to large size of monkeys with stout bodies. This species has a brown coat with lighter underside and its legs are longe and strong. The muzzle is lone and lacks hair though males have mane-like hairs surrounding the face, giving them a majestic appearance. When females are receptive to mating they develop large swellings on the rump. Adult femal are around half size of males.

Size : Male: 6,2 to 14,5 Kg / Female : 4,7 to 10,9 Kg
Life Span : 26 Years.

Diet :
Predominantly fruit and seeds, but also includes insect, birds, termite eggs and larvae, river crab, leaves, buds and flowers. They may also raid ripe corn crops and oil palm.

Home Range : 62 to 828 Ha.
Habitat : Lowland primary and secondary forest, as well as coastal, swamp and montane forest. They prefer dense rainforest buat are very adaptable to agriculture land.

: This species is found in Brunei, Indonesia (Bangka, Kalimantan Borneo, and Sumatra) Malaysia (Sarawak and Sabah Borneo and the Malay Peninsula) and southern Thailand, with introduced populations on Singapore and in the Natuna ISsland (Indonesia).

Behaviour and Ecology : Diurnal and Predominantly terrestrial though they spend some time in the trees. The pig-tailed macaque spend more time on the forest floor and in the open than other macaques. Its has cheek pouches to carry food while it forages, and often returns to the safety of the trees to feed. They are social primates and live in group sizes of 5 to 40 individuals, though the group split into smaller unit to forage. Females remain in their natal group, and males will disperse shortly before they reach sexual maturity.

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