Official Tours & Trekking
Bukit Lawang (86km) from the centre of Medan, the largest city in Indonesia's Northern island of Sumatra, at the entrance to Gunung Leuser National Park, the last sanctuary of the Sumatran orangutan., and as Medan dominates North Sumatra, it's almost impossible to visit Bukit Lawang without passing through it.For this reason the transport information in this page is mostly about reaching Medan. However, approximately 12km from Medan, on the road to Bukit Lawang is the city of Binjai. While it has no real tourist attractions, buses run north here to/from Banda Aceh, so it is an option of travel to Bukit Lawang.
From Kualanamu International Airport :
The new international airport for Medan, Kualanamo, was opened on July 24th , 2013. Unlike the now closed Polonia airport, which was in central Medan, the new airport is located around 30km beyond Medan (so further from Bukit Lawang).
To reach Bukit Lawang from the airport, you can either take a taxi or booked car service, or use public transport. You can book a private, air-con car from this website just CONTACT US.
The simplest public transport transportation is to take the bus from the airport to Binjai, a city sited between Medan and Bukit Lawang. The fare from the airport to Binjai is IDR.30.000/person by ALS (Antar Lintas Sumatera) bus. From Binjai take a second minibus to Bukit Lawang, for IDR 18.000/person more.If you wish to first travel to Medan, DAMRI buses run about every fifteen minutes. These run to Medan Fair Mall on Jalan Gatot Subroto, About 6km short of the bus station for Bukit Lawang, and also to Amplas bus station (for Lake Toba). Fares are IDR 15.000/person to Medan Fair Mall, and IDR 10,000/ person to Amplas. A train service runs from the airport to Medan, which is faster than the bus, but runs roughly hourly , so it is not necessarily quicker.The fare is expensive, at IDR 80,000/person one way for both adults and children. The train is quite comfortable, and is air conditioned. For two or more passengers a taxi is cheaper. Be advised that from Medan station there will not typically be enough taxis for the arriving passengers (although there are plenty of motorised rickshaws), and drivers may demand slightly higher fares.
From Medan :
Buses for Bukit Lawang leave from 'Kampung Lalang' a district on the outskirts of Medan, about 8km from the centre. They are supposed to leave from Pinang Baris, the bus station close by, and transportation drivers may try to take you there, but anyone in the area should be able to direct you to the right place to catch a bus, which is directly outside the 'Toko Roti Mawar' (Mawar Bakery), around 1km north of Pinang Baris. To reach this area from Medan, either take a taxi (around IDR 60.000 - Bluebird and Express taxis are metered and are better, non-metered taxis are more expensive), or a yellow local bus (IDR 5.000/person) labelled as going to Pinang Baris, 'Kp. Lalang' (Kampung Lalang) or 'Binjai'. Motorised rickshaws, known as becaks, are more readily available in Medan than taxis. We do not recommend the rickshaws, as they are not metered (hence very expensive for a tourist) and they are very cramped for two people with luggage, however whereas taxis are sometimes scarce, the becaks are pretty much everywhere.
WARNING:!!! overcharging on the bus from Medan to Bukit Lawang is almost universal. Touts at the bus stop will try to tell you to pay before boarding, and that the cost is IDR 50.000, IDR 150.000 or even more. The fact is that the fare is no more than IDR 20.000 and you pay ONLY when you reach Bukit Lawang,NOT BEFORE…Please….
Binjai, the city 18km from Medan on the road to Bukit Lawang, has buses to Bukit Lawang slightly later than from Medan. If you are running a little late, you can head to Binjai (taxi or yellow bus) and pick up a bus from there (again, the buses do not go from the official bus station, but a spot on the side of the road). The cost is not cheaper, certainly counting the cost of a taxi to Binjai, but buses run till around 6:30pm here, so it buys you another half an hour.A train service runs about every 2 hours from Medan to Binjai, but it's less practical than the bus, although if you are near the train station at the time it's leaving, you could try it.
We will pick up you, when you arrive at Bus station at Gotong Royong, ( Keep On Contact By Phone or WhatsApp (Better), Because Easy for Our Team to pick up and drop by FREE Charge to the Hotel. (PUBLIC BUS STATION IS 2 KM FROM Bukit Lawang Hotel Area).
WHATSAPP +6281364108007