12 Amazing Things Of Sumatran Tigers
The Sumatran Tiger(Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) Enjoy these amazing facts about Sumatran tigers. From their history to their impressive hunting skills, there’s always something new to learn about everyone’s...
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Amazing Facts About the Sumatran Elephant
The Sumatran Elephant is the smallest subspecies of Asian Elephant, and is sadly considered critically endangered! Amazing Facts About the Sumatran Elephant The Sumatran Elephant is the smallest subspecies, but...
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Facts About Sumatran Rhinos
Sumatran Rhinos (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) Size:Sumatran rhino are by far the smallest species of rhino Weight:they weigh between 500-960 kg. Shoulder height:they usually stand at 1.20-1.45 metres and are about...
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White-Handed Gibbons
The White Handed Gibbon (Hylobates lar) This Gibbon are rare, small, slender, long-armed, tree-dwelling apes. These very acrobatic primates live in southeast Asia. Gibbons arearboreal; they spend most of their lives...
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Facts About Siamang Gibbon
The Siamang(Symphalangus syndactylus) Siamang is a white-cheeked gibbon that looks very similar to monkey. However, it is a tailless, black-furred ape with the locomotion in trees. Siamang is different from all living...
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